veggie rules

Monday, August 22, 2011

2011 International Year of the Forest.

See the title......did you even know that????  I didn't and it's now late August - so what's up with that, where's the education?  Personally I think that it's really important that we stop butchering our forests so the more the message gets out there the better.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Say No To Meat - Book Review

This is an absolute first for me.  I love books and I have quite a few that I will suggest to friends that they should read….but this book "Say No To Meat" is one that I feel warrants a review - so here goes…

Title:               Say No To Meat
Authors:         Amanda Strombom & Stewart Rose
Published by:  Healthy Living Publications
My Rating:     *****

veggie rules