veggie rules

Monday, June 30, 2014

Vegan "Sausage" Rolls

Always up for another topic for this blog and after posting up a photo of my vegan "sausage" rolls I had made for the Food Festival, I was surprised at the friends who asked for the recipe.

Original photo - they were a real hit at the festival!
So here's the recipe, but before you go on be warned - this is my own made up one and I'm not too into exact measurements, however, the base always stays the same.

1 tin Sanitarium "Vegie Delights" "NutMeat" - see note at bottom.
1 tin lentils - rinsed and drained
1 onion - diced
2 large cloves of garlic - crushed
some tomato paste - about a tablespoon ???

2 sheets of vegetarian flaky pastry (store bought of course!)

Above is the base for the rolls.

Good squirt of Worcester Sauce - Pam's brand is vegan (no anchovy), if you can't get vegan version then use Tamari sauce.

You can add whatever spices and herbs you like.

I added:
Moroccan spice - a good shake
Italian herbs - a good shake.

Saute onion and garlic in a bit of oil till soft.
Spoiler Alert: The nutmeat is really solid and looks like a dog roll!
Open up the tin and spoon it out into the pan.  I then get the potato masher and kind of break it up with that - just so it will heat through.
When it's heated through (you don't need to cook or brown it), add the lentils and heat them through too.
At the same time as the lentils - add the tomato paste.

Then put the whole lot into a blender and zap it on full bore until it all mushes together.
This is when I'll add the Worcester Sauce and the squirt is usually enough to get the mixture to stick.  You sort of want it moist, but not too moist.

Add the salt, herbs and spices and keep doing the taste test until you've got it to what you like.

I slice the pasty square in half - two sheets gives me four long rolls.  Put the mixture along the middle of the pastry and roll up.  I put a cut across the middle ... you can see it in the photo below.

Brush with soy milk

Bake -  200ºC for about 12 mins then turn down to 180ºC for another 12 - 15 mins or until pastry golden and it looks good.

Note: This nutmeat is available in supermarkets N.Z. and I'm assuming Australia, it is made with nuts and wheat and is the only time I use it.  It could also be called Nut Loaf.

I didn't eat any at the festival, but made some for dinner - yum!

Hope you all enjoy!!!!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Whoa - What an Expose on Pig Farming!

The Sunday program on last night really did a bit of a shake up and has, no doubt, been a wake up call to those who insist on eating pork products.
And, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, it was a glimpse into the unseen hell of the factory farmed pigs here in good old, clean, green New Zealand.

 Here's the link to the actual program: - be warned, some scenes you may find disturbing .... well, actually sickening!

I've just come off a GoVeg (supporting vegetarian/vegan) stall at a Food Festival and I even had an ethical butcher ask if I knew where they could source free range pork.  Yes, I thought it odd that the butcher would ask an animal welfare, obviously vegan, person where to source meat product.  But this butcher is asked many many times for free range pork and can't supply it and he is totally frustrated at not being able to get it.

We do have free range pork here in N.Z., but, as far as I know, only two farms.  All other pork is farmed in intense factory farms most of which are still using the sow crates for the first 4 weeks of the pregnancy and the farrowing crates to birth and suckle the piglets. 

The sow crates are to be phased out by 2015, however farrowing crates are still allowed.  If you're a piggy lover and don't like the thought of mum pig being caged to give birth and look after her babies and where she can lie down, but can't turn around ..... then please sign the petition to end the use of farrowing crates.

This is how it's done:

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Expanding Marine Sanctuaries.

In Washington President Obama announced (17th June 2014) that he intends to vastly expand the marine life sanctuaries in the Pacific Ocean.  These are huge areas in the central Pacific Ocean and will become off-limits to fishing, energy exploration and other activities.  Basically this will create the largest marine sanctuary pretty much doubling the entire current marine sanctuaries world wide.

Well done Obama!
Marine Sanctuary

Almost on the same day here in N.Z. the Government announced that it has opened up more than 3000 square kilometers of marine mammal sanctuary for oil drilling.  Not only is this area a marine sanctuary but it is also home to the critically endangered Maui's dolphin.

Shame on you Key!
Only 55 Maui Dolphins left!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Is This Sustainable?

Did you know humans kill more than 57 billion animals a year for food - this doesn't include fish or other aquatic animals, that number is estimated to be at least 1 Trillion!!! 

Whether or not you agree to the killing of animals - if the world population continues to grow - this is NOT SUSTAINABLE!!!!! 

I know that you probably don't really give a jot, but, please think about having at least one day a week free from animal/fish products. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

This is amazing .... Taiwan opens 1st vegan supermarket - Oh why oh why can't we have one where I live?

veggie rules